
Draco, the Dragon, is known for its distinctive shape resembling a winding serpent or dragon. Positioned adjacent to both the Big Dipper (Ursa Major) and the Little Dipper (Ursa Minor), Draco's coils wind between these well-known star groupings. Its location in the northern hemisphere allows observers in this region to behold its majesty throughout the year, never descending below the horizon due to its proximity to the North Celestial Pole.


One of Draco's notable stars is Thuban (Alpha Draconis), which held the position of the North Star around 3000 BCE due to the Earth's axial precession.


A myth about Draco involves Ladon, the dragon tasked with guarding the golden apples in the Garden of the Hesperides in Greek mythology. Additionally, Draco is tied to the narrative of Hercules, who, as part of his labors, slew the dragon.


The Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543), a planetary nebula, is among the notable deep-sky objects present here. Moreover, Draco hosts numerous galaxies and star clusters, adding to its allure for astronomical observations and study.