
Ophiuchus, often known as the serpent bearer or serpent holder, is a constellation positioned along the celestial equator, nestled between Scorpius and Sagittarius within the vast expanse of the Milky Way. Its location near the galactic center grants it a unique place in the night sky, contributing to its celestial allure and visibility.


In ancient Greek mythology, Ophiuchus is intricately tied to Asclepius, a revered healer renowned for his extraordinary abilities to revive the dead. This exceptional skill drew the ire of Hades, the god of the underworld, sparking conflict among the gods. In response, Zeus immortalized Asclepius as the constellation Ophiuchus after his demise, commemorating his healing prowess for eternity.


Within its celestial boundaries, Ophiuchus houses notable stars such as Rasalhague (Alpha Ophiuchi), a prominent luminary situated at the head of the serpent bearer.