
Triangulum is a constellation with a distinctive triangular shape, earning its name from this characteristic. Triangulum shares its borders with Andromeda to the west and Pisces to the south. Triangulum is visible from the northern hemisphere during the autumn and winter months.


The constellation features several stars, with Beta Trianguli, also known as Rasalhague, standing out as a binary star system. Another notable star is Alpha Trianguli, the brightest in the constellation and also a binary star.


One of the significant celestial objects within Triangulum is Messier 33, commonly known as the Triangulum Galaxy or NGC 598. This spiral galaxy holds the position of the third-largest galaxy in the Local Group, a cosmic neighborhood that includes the Milky Way and Andromeda, among others.


Triangulum is occasionally associated with the island of Sicily in Greek mythology and is sometimes linked to the narrative of Perseus and Andromeda. It is one of the 48 constellations identified by the ancient astronomer Ptolemy and is positioned to the northwest of the notable constellation Aries.