Ursa Minor

Ursa Minor, also known as the Little Bear or Little Dipper, graces the northern celestial hemisphere with its modest yet recognizable presence. Shaped like a diminutive dipper or ladle, the constellation's most prominent feature is the North Star, Polaris. The constellation, along with Polaris, is circumpolar for those in the northern hemisphere, never descending below the horizon and remaining visible throughout the night.


At the heart of Ursa Minor is Polaris, the bright North Star that captivates observers with its steadfast position above the North Pole. Kochab and Pherkad, two notable stars, form the outer part of the Little Dipper's bowl.


In Greek mythology, it is associated with the tale of Callisto, transformed into a bear and later immortalized as Ursa Major, with Ursa Minor representing her son, Arcas.