Astronomical equipment unlocks the Universe's time capsules, unveiling hidden secrets

Our eyes let us marvel at the stars, but telescopes opened up new possibilities by revealing dimmer and more distant objects. Photosensitive plates captured more light than the human eye could. Electronic cameras allowed precision in observation to take a leap forward, and ongoing advancements continue to push the limits of what we can explore in the universe.

Radio Telescopes

Learn about radio telescopes in astronomy

Microwave Telescopes

Learn about microwave telescopes in astronomy

Infrared Telescopes

Learn about infrared telescopes in astronomy

Optical Telescopes

Learn about optical telescopes in astronomy

Ultraviolet Telescopes

Learn about ultraviolet telescopes in astronomy

X-Ray Telescopes

Learn about x-ray telescopes in astronomy

Gamma-Ray Telescopes

Learn about gamma ray telescopes in astronomy

CCD Cameras

Learn about ccd cameras in astronomy


Learn about spectrometers in astronomy

Adaptive Optics

Learn about adaptive optics in astronomy


Learn about interferometers in astronomy


Learn about filters in astronomy


Learn about eyepieces in astronomy