Tracing the Origins of ω Centauri: A Chemical and Orbital Investigation of Globular Clusters
The study investigates ω Centauri, the most massive globular cluster in our Galaxy, exploring its unique chemical composition and structural properties to uncover its origins and relationship with other clusters. Historically noted for its large mass and rotational characteristics, ω Centauri (also called NGC 5139) exhibits a broad range of chemical abundances, notably with [Fe/H] values ranging from -2.2 to -0.4. Such chemical diversity suggests a complex history that may link it to a now-dispersed dwarf galaxy, rather than a typical globular cluster, making it a focal point for understanding galactic formation and interaction.
Data and Observational Parameters
The data for this analysis are derived from the APOGEE Value-Added Catalogue (VAC), focusing on 57 Galactic globular clusters (GCs) out of an initial sample of 72. Each cluster is screened for criteria such as signal-to-noise ratio, temperature, and probability of cluster membership to ensure accurate chemical measurements. The goal is to compare the selected clusters with ω Centauri’s detailed abundance profile to identify clusters potentially sharing a common origin.
Chemical Analysis and Cluster Comparison
Using a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), the team analyzed chemical abundance patterns in an 8-dimensional space. This space includes various elements that define the chemical signature of ω Centauri, specifically [Fe/H] and elements associated with α-processes, odd-Z elements, and iron-peak elements. Clusters chemically like ω Centauri were identified, focusing on those with matching abundance patterns across all eight elements in the model. This multi-dimensional approach allows the researchers to pinpoint clusters with potentially shared formation histories.
Chemically Similar Clusters
Six clusters emerged as chemically compatible with ω Centauri based on their metallicity distribution functions (MDFs) and elemental abundances, indicating a likely shared origin. Notably, NGC 6656 and NGC 6273 exhibited similar iron distributions to ω Centauri, suggesting a comparable star formation history. While clusters like NGC 6809 showed only a small spread in iron content, others displayed overlapping α-element and iron-peak abundances, reinforcing the hypothesis of a common progenitor. These clusters also show specific variations in elements like magnesium and calcium, further linking them to ω Centauri’s unique profile.
Orbital Properties and Accretion Hypothesis
The orbital paths of these compatible clusters were analyzed to hypothesize their accretion history within the Milky Way. Some of these clusters exhibit retrograde orbits, supporting the idea that they may have been accreted from a dwarf galaxy on a counter-rotating path relative to the Milky Way’s primary rotation. Such findings align with the hypothesis that ω Centauri, alongside these clusters, originated from an ancient dwarf galaxy that was tidally disrupted, leaving remnants in the form of clusters now orbiting within the Galaxy.
This study presents a detailed chemical and orbital examination of globular clusters with a specific focus on tracing the origins of ω Centauri. By identifying clusters with chemical compositions and orbits consistent with a shared progenitor, likely a disrupted dwarf galaxy, named Nephele, the research deepens our understanding of ω Centauri’s unique status among Galactic globular clusters. This chemical fingerprinting method, combined with orbital analysis, is essential in piecing together the complex accretion history of our Galaxy.
Source: Pagnini