Exploring Exoplanet Atmospheres: Low-Resolution Spectroscopy of Three Hot Jupiters with the Himalayan Chandra Telescope
Exoplanets Deneb Exoplanets Deneb

Exploring Exoplanet Atmospheres: Low-Resolution Spectroscopy of Three Hot Jupiters with the Himalayan Chandra Telescope

This study used the Himalayan Chandra Telescope to perform transmission spectroscopy on three hot Jupiters, HAT-P-1b, WASP-127b, and KELT-18b, marking the first time this telescope was used for such analysis. The team observed Rayleigh scattering in the atmospheres of HAT-P-1b and WASP-127b, suggesting hazy atmospheres, while KELT-18b showed a relatively featureless spectrum. By combining ground-based data from HCT with space-based infrared observations, the researchers improved their atmospheric models, demonstrating the potential of smaller telescopes in exoplanet studies.

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