Pictor II

Pictor II

Pictor II exhibits characteristics consistent with dark-matter-dominated Milky Way satellite galaxies, akin to Reticulum II and Horologium I. With low luminosity and a large physical size, it resembles confirmed dwarf galaxies. Its proximity to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) suggests a potential physical association, and numerical simulations propose that a significant fraction of satellites within its distance range were once bound to the LMC. The MagLiteS photometry implies it has joined the ranks of recently discovered dwarf galaxies. The dynamics and kinematics of Pictor II may offer insights into its past or present relationship with the LMC, providing a unique example of a satellite of a satellite within the Local Group. Further studies, especially kinematic measurements, are crucial for confirming its status and contributing to our understanding of hierarchical structure formation in the cosmos.