Ursa Minor Dwarf

Ursa Minor Dwarf

The Ursa Minor Dwarf Galaxy, discovered by astronomer A.G. Wilson in 1954, is a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way situated in the constellation Ursa Minor. Located approximately 225,000 light-years away, Ursa Minor is characterized as a dwarf spheroidal galaxy, displaying a spherical shape with a low luminosity, and lacking prominent structures like spiral arms or a central bulge. Its stellar population is predominantly composed of old and metal-poor stars, reflecting its early formation in the universe's history. Like other dwarf galaxies, Ursa Minor is of significant interest to astronomers studying dark matter, as its observed stellar mass alone cannot account for the gravitational forces at play, suggesting the presence of unseen dark matter. Gravitationally bound to the Milky Way, Ursa Minor experiences tidal interactions that influence its structure over time.