

Anthe was discovered by the Cassini spacecraft in 2007. Measuring roughly 2 kilometers in diameter, Anthe holds the status of a "ring moon" due to its proximity to Saturn's main rings. Nestled within the A Ring, it resides within the designated "Anthe Gap," where its gravitational interplay with the surrounding ring material orchestrates the ring's structure. This interaction results in the formation of captivating wavy patterns and distinct features like "straw" and "propeller" structures. Anthe's surface is predominantly composed of water ice and icy materials, a characteristic shared among Saturn's moons. Its modest size translates to relatively weak gravity, contributing to its irregular shape, shaped both by its self-gravity and the tidal effects imposed by Saturn. Through the observations made by the Cassini mission, Anthe's role in Saturn's intricate moon and ring system has been significantly revealed, offering a deeper comprehension of its dynamics and interactions.