

Calypso is a small moon of Saturn known for its unique position within one of the planet's Lagrange points. Specifically, it orbits within Saturn's L5 Lagrange point, situated 60 degrees behind the larger moon Tethys in its orbit around Saturn. These Lagrange points are regions in space where gravitational forces create stable positions relative to two massive bodies, in this case Saturn and the moon Titan. Calypso has a diameter of about 22 kilometers (14 miles) and is primarily composed of water ice and rocky material. Its surface appears relatively smooth, possibly due to resurfacing processes that have obscured the presence of impact craters. Calypso is often paired with its sibling moon Telesto, which orbits in Saturn's L4 Lagrange point. The Cassini spacecraft provided valuable observations of Calypso, contributing to our understanding of its characteristics and its unique location in Saturn's moon system.