

Erriapus, classified as an irregular moon of Saturn, holds a place within the Gallic group of satellites. Discovered in 2000 by astronomers using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, its name draws from Gallic mythology, representing a mythological figure. Erriapus' irregular nature arises from its eccentric and inclined orbit, setting it apart from Saturn's larger regular moons that orbit closer to the planet's equatorial plane. As part of the Gallic group, alongside moons like Bebhionn and Albiorix, Erriapus shares similar orbital characteristics, suggesting a possible common origin, potentially linked to the fragmentation of a larger moon. However, due to its distance from Earth and the scarcity of observational data, Erriapus' physical attributes, including its size, composition, and surface features, remain largely shrouded in mystery. It is believed that Erriapus, like its irregular companions, was captured by Saturn's gravitational force, originating from the outer solar system.