
Pallene was discovered by the Cassini spacecraft in 2004 and is characterized by its small size, measuring about 4.4 kilometers in diameter. Sporting an irregular and elongated shape, likely influenced by gravitational interactions with Saturn's rings, Pallene orbits within the E Ring — a significant Saturnian ring. Its presence within the E Ring contributes to the ring's dynamic structure, inducing disturbances and intricate patterns. While limited information is available about its surface composition, it is probable that Pallene, like many of Saturn's moons, is primarily composed of water ice and other icy constituents. The observations made by the Cassini mission provided essential insights into Pallene's physical attributes, orbit, and its interplay with Saturn's complex ring system. However, given its relatively small size and distant location within Saturn's realm, there remains much more to explore and understand about this enigmatic moon.